'I want to speak...'

Great! We want to hear from you, and if the next word in your mind is, 'but', then we absolutely definitely want to hear from you. Don't count yourself out of this!

You don't have to be a data visualisation expert to talk at our events. You can talk about how you're starting out, tips and tricks you've learned, how you're cramming for your certification, or something interesting you found in a public data set.

Anything, even making art in data visualisation. If you're unsure what to talk about, think of what annoys you most, or excites you most. It's a great way to find something you're passionate about.

As long as it is 5 minutes long, includes something around data visualisation, analysis or design, and is not a sales pitch, we're excited to hear about it.

If you are an experienced speaker, you can get involved by volunteering to be a mentor or coach.

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