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tiny viz talks

analysis | visualisation | design


we want to hear from you!


Learn data Visualizaton, Meet talent

We think that data visualization is awesome, and the London Data Visualization community is one of the most exciting and engaged in data and BI around. TinyVizTalks is a meet up where this community shares our skills and insight with each other, and a platform for those who are new to public speaking to get their start.


Come along to brush up on your data visualization skills & meet like-minded people. We have 6 talks, each 5 minutes long, so you're bound to find something of interest.


Want to speak? Send us your idea. We want to hear from you (we really do).

We're committed to inclusivity across genders, ethnicities, abilities, and sexualities, and are a friendly space for everyone to develop the skills and confidence to present.


We run events quarterly. Want to be the first to hear about all our news? Follow us on Twitter, follow us on Eventbrite, or sign up to our newsletter.

'I want to speak...'

Great! We want to hear from you, and if the next word in your mind is, 'but', then we absolutely definitely want to hear from you. Don't count yourself out of this!

You don't have to be a data visualisation expert to talk at our events. You can talk about how you're starting out, tips and tricks you've learned, how you're cramming for your certification, or something interesting you found in a public data set.

Anything, even making art in data visualisation. If you're unsure what to talk about, think of what annoys you most, or excites you most. It's a great way to find something you're passionate about.

As long as it is 5 minutes long, includes something around data visualisation, analysis or design, and is not a sales pitch, we're excited to hear about it.

If you are an experienced speaker, you can get involved by volunteering to be a mentor or coach.

Register your interest

Here's how you can support us


Sponsor us

We are community run, and rely on contributions toward refreshments, web hosting and other costs to make ends meet.

Provide a space

We're always looking for places in central London to put on an event. We keep it small, usually around 50 people. If you have a space big enough and would like to meet a lot of skilled, data visualisation enthusiast, we'd love to meet you too :)

Help our speakers

Join our pre meet up calls to hear and comment on talks, or come to an event early to offer feedback on a practice run. If you'd like to help new speakers develop their skills, and help open our community to more people, we (and they) would be super grateful! 


Tiny Viz Talks is organised by a committee of six London-based data enthusiasts: Bingqian Gao, Ciaran Gallagher, Joe Pickin, Natalia Miteva, Sophie Hiscock, and Megan Charles. It was recently re-branded from Tiny Tableau Talks, a not-for-profit initiative started by Emma Cosh.

We are passionate about design & data-driven decision making. And since data visualisation combines these in a fascinating way, we want to create a community and a platform where can share ideas, tips and tricks, stories and best practices on data visualisations. There is no restriction on what tools you use to visualise the data.

If you're in London and interested in data visualisation, please join us in our quarterly events and sign up to our newsletter! (Due to COVID-19, the events are currently being organised virtually, so you can join us from anywhere in the world!)

The team

RESOURCES for speakers

An incredibly valuable video for anyone wanting to feel more confident giving a presentation



An article from Forbes on some options for structuring a presentation.